January 18, 2023
Blocker Family YMCA
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh at 7:05 PM.
Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Michael McCartney (Vice President), Penny Powers (Secretary), Jennifer Cordovana, Greta Gustavson, Ann Ripley, Gerry Roth, Peter Seay, Steve Sigmon, Sarah Whiting and Pat Williams
New Residents: Jack Kavanaugh opened the meeting with a welcome to our new neighbors.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the last meeting are available on the website:
Police Resource Officer Alan Driskell reviewed the December crime statistics. He reported that car larcenies were down significantly from November. Some garages have hired off-duty police which may have contributed to the reduced numbers. NPD has obtained video showing juveniles smashing car windows and is working to identify them through the Lime scooters they rented. Violent crime (stabbing and gunshot incidents) has been minimal in the last two months. There have been a couple of burglaries at Harbour Park.
Officer Driskell advised that reports made to Norfolk Cares are forwarded to him and that issues (such as abandoned vehicles) can be reported to him directly.
Sean Washington, Interim Director of Development, City of Norfolk. Mr. Washington has worked for the city for 5 years and has been in his current role since September. Mr. Washington notes recent changes in the organization and focus of the development department which is now organized into the following teams: Attraction Team; Business Intelligence Team; Grant Team; Business Retention Team; Real Estate and Commercial Corridor Strategy Team. The new department of housing and community development is handling all residential issues; there is also a new team to address diversity and inclusion.
Mr. Washington provided the following updates:
Department has received $2 million for a pilot project on 35th Street and the Riverview community.
Downtown: Several establishments have been closed due to violations and the city will work with the community to reimagine the downtown area and envision an ideal tenant mix.
MacArthur Mall: No update; the city owns the land underneath and will have a role in plans for future development.
Norfolk Innovation Corridor (NIC): Economic Development department will work with the NIC team. There have been discussions on rezoning areas within the NIC boundary with the goal of attracting high growth companies which will bring employees to the area.
Greyhound Bus Station: Potential first choice “end user” has backed out; the city is considering #2 bidder.
Casino: Must re-do site plan; plan to open a temporary facility to generate income.
Military Circle Mall/Arena: The mall will close this month. City is negotiating with potential end user.
Kurt Krause, President/CEO of Visit Norfolk Mr. Krause noted that tourism generates $73 million in taxes annually into the general fund and is the third largest revenue generator for Norfolk (behind the Navy and the port). He announced that conventions are coming back to Norfolk post pandemic. He noted that the opening of The Main broadened the type of conventions that Norfolk attracts. Hotels are currently near 70% occupancy with a 5000-room capacity. Prior to the pandemic 2019 had been the best year for tourism and 2022 exceeded that by 20%. With the water access, the zoo, the opera and the symphony, the botanical gardens as well as sport offerings, Norfolk has much to offer to visitors from surrounding areas. Prior to the pandemic 7500 people were employed in the tourism industry; employment is back to 7000 employees at this time.
The cruise ships are bringing many visitors to Norfolk and VisitNorfolk deploys a mobile visitor center for each cruise ship visit. Since 40% of the cruise passengers do not purchase an excursion, they are visiting the areas that are within walking distance. Norfolk is picking up more Carnival Cruises as Charleston reduces the number visiting there.
Norfolk does not attract much business travel; it is more of a leisure market. With this in mind Mr. Krause developed a targeted digital outreach program with the city of Virginia Beach entitled “Together At Last” during the summer of 2020 which was very successful in increasing tourism during the pandemic.
Kara Alexander, City Market Ms. Alexander announced that Bobby Wright has obtained the old Urban Outfitters space with plans to open City Market. Ms. Alexander is currently planning for this space and solicited suggestions from the group present. She is envisioning a venue that will include a coffee bar with lunch option, a French bakery, fresh flowers, groceries, an art gallery, wine shop and yoga studio on the upper levels. It was suggested that a focus group might be helpful in this regard and that parking will be a challenge for potential customers. Ms. Alexander can be reached at or 414-610-0012.
Presidents Report:
Jack Kavanaugh reported that we have 30 individual members and he encouraged those present to sign up. He also announced that Cox representatives will attend the March general meeting. He noted that there is a new Cox update coming which will cause outages; he will send out the detailed information.
Treasurer’s Report: The balance in the account is $2874.28
Historic Oversight Committee: Upcoming meeting with Brad Waitzer regarding the vacant lot at 355 W. Freemason Street.
Neighborhood Beautification: Steve Sigmon announced that there will be no clean-up on Saturday 1/21/23.
He also invited people to visit the new Little Library that Vanessa Sigmon has established in the 400 block of W. Bute Street.
The next Board Meeting is February 15 at 7 PM on at Freemason Harbour Condominiums.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7PM on March 15 at the Blocker YMCA
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Powers
February 15, 2023
Freemason Harbour Condominium
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh at 7:02 PM. Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Michael McCartney (Vice President), Shirley Ward (Treasurer), Penny Powers (Secretary), Jennifer Cordovana, Greta Gustavson, Malia McGee, Ann Ripley, Paul Sayegh, Steve Sigmon, Madeline Sly, Sarah Whiting and Pat Williams. A quorum was established at this meeting.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the last meeting are available on the website:
Treasurer’s Report: The balance in the account is $5,438.68.
Membership Report:
Dues have been paid by 35 members, 2 businesses and 1 condo. Some condominiums require invoices for the fee to be paid; Jack will supply Shirley with copies of the invoices that were used in the past. Robert Wojtowicz will be the new representative to FSAA for Archer’s Walk.
President’s Report:
Jack Kavanaugh requested that a nominating committee be formed to recommend persons for the 3 board positions that will expire this year. Current board members holding those seats are: Jennifer Cordovana, Gerry Roth and Steve Sigmon.
The nominating committee must be made up of at least two Board members and one non-Board member; Jack suggested Bruce Wilcox to serve as the non-Board member. This year the committee will consist of: Mike McCartney, Ann Ripley, Melia McGee, and Bruce Wilcox, if he agrees.
Jack reviewed the speakers for the March meeting:
• Cox Representative to address issues in the neighborhood.
• Virginia Arts Festival to discuss the Tattoo.
• Sean Washington, Interim Director of Development, City of Norfolk, for updates.
The board agreed that we will not invite politicians who are running in primary races.
Committee Reports:
The newsletter will be a printed issue this month; articles need to be submitted by March 3. Greta Gustavson will contribute an article about insurance requirements for historic district homeowners. She will also write an article about the Historic Garden Tour which will take place in the Edgewater neighborhood on 4/20/2023.
Madeline Sly announced that the Pagoda is preparing for spring and has weddings booked. Chef Dreson has restarted his Friday evening dinners and will host a Mardi Gras-themed dinner this week.
Beautification Committee:
Steve Sigmon announced that the monthly cleanup will take place on Saturday February 18. As the weather will be quite cold the primary focus will be trash pick-up rather than special projects.
Steve was encouraged to send a letter to apartment building owners to make them aware that the tree boxes in front of their properties are their responsibility.
Fun Committee: No updates at this time. Peter, Madeline and Shannon will meet to discuss options.
While the traditional Memorial Day and Labor Day Picnics will continue the committee would also like to consider other celebrations such as a Halloween party for residents.
Board Member Discussion items:
• Mike McCartney has been in touch with Freta Jackson at the Keep Norfolk Beautiful (KNB) office about the possibility of posting No Littering signs in West Freemason. KNB has agreed to do a periodic survey of several blocks encompassing the YMCA and the Pagoda parking areas to see if signage is appropriate. Members noted that the trash cans have made some improvement.
• Citing the constant litter and the parking infractions, Jennifer Cordovana wants to know if the YMCA has been approached tabout our issues. She would like to know what responsibility the YMCA has to be a good neighbor. Jack has raised concerns with them in the past and will communicate our issues to Randy Lyall, who is on the Board at the YMCA. It is suggested that each neighbor who is a YMCA member to speak to management about the issues impacting our neighborhood. Additionally, it might be helpful to invite the Manager to come to a meeting so they can hear issues first-hand.
• Regarding parking violations, Penny Powers reports that she had excellent results calling Ray Stoner, Director of Parking, at 757-266-8765. The staff was receptive and the cars were ticketed very quickly. If illegally parked cars are consistently ticketed, people may begin to obey the no parking rules, which would reduce some of the safety hazards.
• Williams School busses are not supposed to drive on Bute Street as this adds to the congestion. Jack will meet with the Williams School to address this.
• Sarah Whiting noted that core soil samples have been taken from the Bute Street sink hole in preparation for work to begin this summer.
• There are several issues with the FSAA website manager and Malia McGee has been unable to get any response to her requests for information. Malia will investigate other options moving forward.
• Shirley Ward noted that in the past Freemason hosted Holiday Home Tours and wondered if this could be repeated. The previous fundraiser tours included several homes that were decorated for the holidays with refreshments and music at the Pagoda. Jennifer Cordovana volunteered to organize this event.
The next Board Meeting is April 19 at 7 PM at Freemason Harbour Condominiums.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7 PM on March 15 at the YMCA.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Powers, Secretary
Freemason Street Area Association
General Membership Meeting
March 15, 2023
Blocker YMCA
The meeting was called to order by President Kavanaugh at 7:03 PM. Board members present were Jennifer Cordovana, Greta Gustavson, Jack Kavanaugh, Malia Magee, Mike McCartney, Peter Seay, Steve Sigmon, Shirley Ward, and Sarah Whiting.
President Kavanaugh welcomed several new members and acknowledged the attendance of Mr. Keith Robinson who is our new neighborhood liaison with the City. He noted that the minutes of the last meeting could be found on the FSAA website. It also was announced that the new website is operational and that it is set up to members can pay dues and buy tickets to neighborhood events sponsored by FSAA.
Neighborhood Safety Update
Officer Alan Driskell reviewed the monthly crime report. There was one (1) aggravated assault, 1 residential burglary during which a bicycle was stolen; and 18 larcenies, 12 of which occurred on a single day in the same parking garage. He added that people are still stealing catalytic converters, and that the Hague Tower Apartments parking lot has been hit a lot. He announced that a new class is starting at the Police Academy with 34 candidates. He noted that there generally is a 15% attrition rate. Sally McNeilan, whose home was burglarized, added that the thief stole a bicycle, came back and entered the house and took some items from the house, then took off on the bicycle again.
Virginia Arts Festival Events
Allie Pereira from the Virginia Arts Festival said that there are 70 performances scheduled between April and June. Pre-festival events are to begin this weekend. The ballet Swan Lake will kick of the VAF’s 26th season and the Tattoo will run April 20-23 with “coffee concerts” at 10:30 AM. The theme this year is a “Tribute to Military Mothers,” and will feature the Ukraine all female drum corps. Several unique groups will perform at the Perry Pavilion.
Economic Development
Sean Washington, Interim Director of Economic Development was unable to attend due to some ongoing negotiations. President Kavanaugh noted that there have been no offers to purchase MacArthur Center.
Cox Communications
President Kavanaugh introduced Barrett Stork who began with a brief history of the forty years Cox Communications has been in Hampton Roads. He said that competition was good for the area and that Cox is investing in services and that more upgrades are coming. He invited those present to contact him ( to talk about customer service issues. He ended by saying that band width would be increasing in neighborhoods.
President Kavanaugh announced that there would be a special St. Patrick’s Day menu at the Pagoda on Friday, March 17, and also that there would be a Memorial Day Picnic at the Pagoda on Sunday, May 28.
Oversight Committee
President Kavanaugh reported that a meeting with the owner of the property at 355 W. Freemason Street was held recently to discuss development of the lot as a single family home.
Neighborhood Cleanup
Mr. Sigmon announced that the next neighborhood cleanup would take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023, 9:00 AM and to meet at Freemason Green.
Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. Ward reported that there is a balance of $2,282.02 in the checking account. President Kavanaugh said that there were 43 paid memberships (individual and family).
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Greta Gustavson, Acting Secretary
April 19, 2023
Freemason Harbour Condominium
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh at 7:06 PM. Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Michael McCartney (Vice President), Shirley Ward (Treasurer), Penny Powers (Secretary), Stacy Celestin, Jennifer Cordovana, Greta Gustavson, Malia McGee, Gerry Roth, Steve Sigmon, Madeline Sly, Sarah Whiting, and Pat Williams. A quorum was established at this meeting.
Mr. Kavanaugh began the meeting by requesting a report from Mike McCartney, Chair of the Nominating Committee. Mr. McCartney reported that the committee members, Mike McCartney, Ann Ripley, Malia McGee and Bruce Wilcox (non-Board representative), met on 3/14/23 to discuss nominations for the upcoming election. The nominating committee contacted the current Board Members whose terms are expiring (Gerry Roth, Jennifer Cordovana, Steve Sigmon) and all agreed to be nominated to serve a 2-year term. The slate of candidates was approved unanimously.
The election will be held at the May general membership meeting. The Board will not seek to fill the two board seats vacated in the last year but will consider nominations from the floor should any occur. It was noted that each issue of the Newsletter contains an invitation to neighbors who want to get involved to reach out to a board member but that no one has expressed interest.
Mr. Kavanaugh opened the discussion about Speakers for the May general meeting.
• Representative from the City Planning Department will give an update on the Freemason Historical Boundary Survey. The plan was to re-survey all resources within the boundary using current survey methods and to record all structures. Additionally, the period of significance has been expanded to 1972, based on the 50-year-old guideline for consideration of buildings.
• Representative from Festevents to speak about Harborfest.
• Sean Washington, Interim Economic Development Director for the City of Norfolk, to give an update.
• Courtney Doyle, Norfolk City Council representative, may give updates.
The board re-affirmed its decision that politicians will only be invited to speak prior to general elections.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes are available on the website:
Treasurer and Membership Report:
Shirley Ward reported that the balance in the account is $2732.21, which does not reflect ~$300 that was recently received. Dues have been paid by 73 members and all but 3 condominium associations; she will prepare invoices for the unpaid condominium associations.
Committee Reports:
Communications Committee, Newsletter:
Gerry Roth announced that articles for the next Newsletter are due by 5/5/2023.
Historic Oversight Committee:
Gerry Roth reported the following:
• 325 W. Freemason: The residents have renovated their front yard after obtaining ARB approval.
• 309 Bute Street: The owner of sought and received ARB approval for new exterior security lighting. It was noted that the process requirements were not followed and that this could cause a delay of approval in the future.
• 355 West Freemason: No updates on the building plans.
The Court's dismissal of the lawsuit against the City for demolition of the former structure at this address also allows the City to recoup legal costs from those who brought suit; preliminary indications are that the plaintiffs are considering an appeal.
• 332 Bute Street: The vacant lot was purchased at auction.
• Norfolk Preservation Collective will present their award on 5/24/23. If they solicit support from FSAA, the board unanimously agreed to a $250 contribution.
Madeline Sly reported that reservations for the Memorial Day Picnic, to be held Sunday May 28, are starting to come in. Tickets prices are: Adults $15; Children 5 to 12 $7.50; Children 4 and younger are free.
Mike Binetti will provide the entertainment and the board unanimously approved $300 for his fee.
Ms. Sly reported that the Pagoda gardens are very attractive at this time. The black bamboo, which is very rare, is coming back in some areas with new growth. She also reported that, unfortunately, the blue heron has returned and is watching the koi.
Beautification Committee:
• Steve Sigmon reported that a project done for one of the neighbors, by the clean-up crew, resulted in a $100 donation.
• Steve suggested changing the clean-up days to every other month. He notes that the work days require quite a time commitment and that trash has not been as much of a problem lately. There were also suggestions about changing the time of day since 9:00 on Saturday is not convenient for some.
• A clean-up day could be used to put up the story boards for Harborfest.
Old Business:
Malia McGee announced that the new website, (which replaces has been launched and is functional. She is posting articles from the newsletter but will omit personal details, such as phone numbers, for the board members. She will also post minutes for both the General and Board meetings. People can email her with requests for the website. It was suggested that the Cruise ship schedule be added to the website. It was also suggested that it would be great to be able to click on a link and access historical photographs.
Stacey Celestin reported that she received 20 replies to her survey asking neighbors to give their opinion on potential communication tools. The #1 response was a Freemason Neighborhood Application (App), the #2 response was a functional Freemason Neighborhood website.
Board Member Discussion Items:
• Steve Sigmon enquired about the Taylor-Whittle house being for sale. Apparently, there are two interested buyers but the City needs the approval of the property’s heirs to sell.
• Mike McCartney noted that street sweeping has recently skipped his block on Bute Street, perhaps because of a shortage of functioning machines. He also noted that the Defense Authorization Bill provides that the property where NOAA is currently located will go back to the city once they move.
• Pat Williams noted that she has seen many photographs of historic Freemason Neighborhood buildings posted on Nextdoor and asked if they could be added to our website.
The next Board Meeting is 6/21/23 at 7 PM at Freemason Harbour Condominiums. The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7 PM on 5/17/23 at the YMCA
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Powers, Secretary
May 17, 2023
Pagoda Gardens
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh at 7:12 PM.
Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Michael McCartney (Vice President), Shirley Ward (Treasurer), Penny Powers (Secretary), Jennifer Cordovana, Gerry Roth, Peter Seay, Steve Sigmon, and Madeline Sly
New Residents: Jack Kavanaugh opened the meeting with the introduction of our new neighbors.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes will be available on the website:
Police Report: Resource Officer Alan Driskell reported that crime is down overall with no violent crime in our area. Car larceny is still a problem in the downtown area but not Freemason. He noted that Norfolk Police Department officer numbers have increased as a result of recent Police Academy graduates. He mentioned that another class of 30 officer candidates has recently started training but cautions that they often experience a 25% attrition in the first few months of training.
Andria McClellan, current City Council representative for Superward 6, is running for an open, newly created State Senate seat in District 21 which is located within the Norfolk city boundaries. Ms. McClellan has represented approximately half of the city since 2016. Her priorities are flood mitigation, affordable housing, protecting reproductive freedom, public education, and support for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Marcus Pollard, Commonwealth Preservation Group, presented findings from the West Freemason Historic District Update. This update, which was completed in the summer of 2022, expands the period of significance to 1972, resulting in 75 contributing structures and 50 non-contributing structures within the Freemason historic district. One of the biggest benefits of this designation is that district residents may qualify for tax credits for renovations. After a comment period, a revised draft will be delivered to Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR) for review with approval expected in the fall of 2023.
Mr. Pollard shared that in 1956 a highway was planned that would have cut through the middle of Freemason but the residents came together to protect it by forming the Freemason Street Area which preserved this neighborhood.
Courtney Doyle, City Council representative for Ward 2, presented the following updates.
• Public safety has improved in the downtown area because the City Council closed several businesses that were not in compliance with their conditional use permits. Enhanced police presence is planned for this summer.
• She will attend the Peace Officers Memorial Ceremony, an annual event that honors all fallen officers, which will take place on May 18 in the courtyard next to the MacArthur Memorial.
• The City of Norfolk, in conjunction with Dominion Energy, will replace 29,000 LED lights. Project will begin in August with a goal of replacing 1,000 bulbs per month.
• New city budget includes a $1.5 million project planned for the Pagoda basin.
• Army Corp of Engineers is considering how to include Waterside and Town Pointe Park in plans to mitigate rising water level.
• The City has delayed the increase of parking fees that was planned for downtown area.
• Norfolk School Board weighing options for Maurey High School.
• The casino project has been redesigned and must go through the entire approval process again; the plan is to build the casino first followed by the resort.
• Police pay for starting officers is one of the highest in the region. They are trying to address compensation issues in order to increase retention of officers.
Presidents Report:
Jack Kavanaugh requested that Mike McCartney, Chair of the FSAA Nominating Committee, proceed with the Election of Directors. Mr. McCartney presented the following slate for election to a two-year term: Jennifer Cordovana, Gerry Roth and Steve Sigmon.
There were no additional nominations from the floor. The slate of Board Members for 2023-2025 was approved by all present; there were no dissenting votes.
Committee Reports:
Madeline Sly announced that the Memorial Day Picnic will be held on Sunday 5/28 at the Pagoda. Dresan will cater this event and Mike Binetti will provide the entertainment. Tickets prices are: Adults $15; Children 5 to 12 $7.50; Children 4 and younger are free.
Ms. Sly reminded neighbors that the Pagoda is open every Friday night for dinner.
She announced that the Pagoda will be the site for the Sister City event, Soiree en Blanc.
Ms. Sly indicated that the dead bamboo is connected to the areas of new growth and thus cannot be removed.
Neighborhood Beautification:
Steve Sigmon announced that Neighborhood Clean Up Days will move to an every-other month schedule.
Treasurer’s Report:
The balance in the account is $2,926.00
The next Board Meeting is June 21 at 7 PM on at Freemason Harbour Condominiums.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7PM on September 20, location TBA
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Powers, Secretary
June 21, 2023
Freemason Harbour Condominium
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh. Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Michael McCartney (Vice President), Penny Powers (Secretary), Shannon Allen, Jennifer Cordovana, Greta Gustavson, Gerry Roth, Peter Seay, Steve Sigmon, Madeline Sly and Sarah Whiting. A quorum was established at this meeting.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the last meeting are available on the website:
Election of Officers: Jack Kavanaugh opened the meeting by calling for the election of officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary). Officers are elected for 2-year terms and the current officers were elected 6/16/2021. All currently serving members indicated a willingness to continue in their positions and the officers were elected unanimously.
New Business
Auditing Committee: The Bylaws stipulate an Auditing Committee, consisting of 3 members to perform an annual audit of the financial records, but this committee has been inactive for a number of years. A committee of Jack Kavanaugh, Shirley Ward and Steve Sigmon (as chair) was formed to perform this task going forward.
The other committees are Communications, Beautification and Nominating and Historic District Oversight.
Membership Committee: It was suggested that we consider forming a committee to increase individual FSAA membership. Ideas to increase membership were discussed and included: a membership drive, a sign-up table at general meetings and events, checking membership status when people sign up for events, and perhaps having a lower price for members at social events or having some events that are open to members only. It was noted that another neighborhood has functions that are limited to members.
Malia is handling the business memberships and will send invoices to those who have not paid.
There was discussion of the membership status of condominium residents.
It was noted that membership increases following the distribution of printed Newsletters. There are 5 newsletters per year and it would cost ~$1500 to print all issues. The distribution of the printed newsletters is done by volunteers from the board, some in condominiums but most is done by going door to door.
It was suggested that Jack Kavanaugh write a special message encouraging membership for the next newsletter. It was agreed that if, in the future, any events are open to members only, this should be noted in the newsletter. It was also suggested that the cost for a non-member to attend events could be higher than the amount charged to a member and might include membership payment.
FSAA membership dues run from January through December; they are not rolling based on when a member pays due to the logistical issues this would cause. Mr. Kavanaugh keeps a spread sheet of all the paid members and will need to get updated information when dues are paid on the website. Increasing online payments could make rolling memberships feasible. It was suggested that multi-year memberships would be a convenience and could increase membership.
The benefits of FSAA membership were discussed including receipt of the newsletters, supporting an organization that represents the neighborhood, as well as a feeling of camaraderie and sense of belonging to a community.
Speakers: Mr. Kavanaugh solicited suggestions for speakers for the September general meeting. The following were discussed:
• Two candidates who are running unopposed for the House of Delegates will each be invited to give a 5-minute presentation:
Angelia Williams Graves to represent the newly formed District 21
Bonita Anthony running to represent District 92
• Mark Talbot, Norfolk police chief
• Kenny Alexander, Norfolk mayor
• Steve Briggs, Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race October 6-8
• Potentially a MacArthur update for a future meeting
• PUMA update for the November meeting
Committee Reports
Pagoda: The landscaping in the area in front of the Pagoda where the Elizabeth River Trail (ERT) recognition triangles are located has become very unkempt and unsightly. This area belongs to the city but has not been maintained properly. Most of the overgrown areas were recently sprayed so now there is a predominance of dead weeds surrounding the recognition plaques. Mr. Kavanaugh will contact a representative of the ERT to make them aware of the issues.
Beautification Committee: Steve Sigmon announced that the next neighborhood clean-up day will be held on July 15 at 9:00. Volunteers can meet by Lola, the mermaid at Freemason Green (corner of College Place and College Cross).
Board Member Discussion Items
How can a board member move into an officer position?
Jennifer Cordovana has spoken with Malia McGee about hosting a members-only neighborhood event in December.
Greta Gustavson reported from the Historic Houses Committee that the Taylor-Whittle house still has not yet been cleared by the heirs to be sold.
Gerry Roth noted that one of our neighbors has been putting out old food in their tree box to feed the birds. Since there is already a rodent issue in the neighborhood all agreed that this is not a good idea.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
The next Board Meeting is August 16 at 7 PM at Freemason Harbour Condominiums.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7PM on September 20 at the YMCA
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Powers, Secretary
August 16, 2023
Freemason Harbour Condominium
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh. Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Shirley Ward (Treasurer), Penny Powers (Secretary), Stacy Celestin, Bruce Robertson, Gerry Roth, Steve Sigmon, Madeline Sly, and Sarah Whiting. A quorum was established at this meeting.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the last meeting are available on the website:
Treasurer and Membership Report: The balance in the account is $2615.81. Dues have been paid by 76 members, 5 condominium associations and 5 businesses.
Presidents Report:
Mr. Kavanaugh reviewed the speakers for the September General Meeting.
• Three candidates for office will speak for 10 minutes each:
Bonita Anthony (D) House of Delegates District 92
Michael Durig (R) House of Delegates District 92
Angelia Williams Graves (D) running unopposed for Senate
• Steve Briggs to announce the return of the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race for the weekend of October 6-8. Madeline Sly will invite Mr. Briggs to present.
• Sail Nauticus representative
Mr. Kavanaugh noted that Bruce Robertson is the new Pilot House representative and proposed that the board elect Greta Gustavson to one of the open seats. Gerry Roth motioned that Greta Gustavson be elected for the remainder of the 5/2023-5/2025 term as a property owner in the historic district; this was seconded by Bruce Robertson and passed unanimously.
Committee Reports:
Gerry Roth requested that newsletter articles be received by August 26 in order to have the edition printed and distributed prior to the Labor Day Picnic and the September 20th General Meeting.
The Mermaid Winery is a new dues-paying member of FSAA; they will receive an ad in the newsletter.
Historic Oversight Committee:
Gerry Roth reviewed the ARB submission for the repair of Bute Street, the bulkhead and the placement of bollards. She invited the board to discuss their concerns related to this project; the following were raised:
• Confirm that cobblestones that are removed be replaced with cobblestones.
• Distance between placement of the bollards? Confirm that no fencing or connection between the bollards is planned
• Will they be close enough together and strong enough to prevent a moving vehicle from going through? Confirm that the bollards are crash resistant and not removable.
• Will the bulkhead placement require pile driving? Concerns were raised about resultant cracking to adjacent structures. Provide written assurance that if pile driving will occur, there will be documentation of potentially affected buildings prior to and following the project to record any changes in their condition?
Madeline Sly announced that Chocollage has opened at the Pagoda. They are currently open on Wednesday and Thursday from 12:00-3:00 and 4:00-7:00. This has been well received and these hours may expand.
Ms. Sly also discussed the Labor Day event to be held Sunday September 3, 2023. She asked if the board would like to hire Mike Binetti; he would charge $300 for 3 hours of entertainment. She noted that they are changing the menu to have fried chicken and barbeque with side dishes, rather than hamburger and hotdogs. They would like to forgo the vegetarian option because only a couple of people have requested it in the past, which was agreed to by the board. Last event Ms. Sly rented 60 chairs at a cost of $140 and she asks if the board will cover this cost in addition to paying for the music. The overall cost of the event was discussed but they do not wish to raise the price of admission at this time.
Steve Sigmon motioned that the board allocate up to $450 to cover the cost of the entertainment and chair rental for the Labor Day Picnic; this was seconded by Bruce Robertson and passed unanimously.
Board Member Discussion items:
• Gerry Roth raised the need for an annual FSAA budget as we have not had one in the recent past.
• Shirley Ward indicated that Jennifer Cordovana has expressed interest in the FSAA treasurer position and will meet with her to learn more about the role. The idea of having an informal apprentice period for people to learn new roles was discussed.
• Mike McCartney, via email, noted the following:
o The 2-hour street parking limit on West Bute is being ignored and that cars are not being ticketed. Illegal parking on both corners of Dunmore and Bute continues daily and is not being ticketed.
Mr. Kavanaugh will re-contact Ray Stoner to raise our concerns.
o Code violations at 243 and 255 West Bute with overgrown weeds and rotted fascia boards. Mr. Kavanaugh will contact the city about the code violations.
• Jennifer Cordovana, via email, noted that landscaping at the Berkeley Building is overgrown. Steve Sigmon will contact the owners to propose a maintenance plan for a fee. The issue with code violations is that the city defines the homeowners’ responsibilities but doesn’t enforce them.
• Gerry Roth proposed an outside Holiday event to take place in the late afternoon following the Holiday decoration judging. Pending his approval, this event would be held on Brad Waitzer’s empty lot. The event would include caroling, hot chocolate and cookies around portable fire pits. It was suggested that we also have a signup table for FSAA membership. The previously discussed Holiday open house event will not occur,
• Madeline Sly noted that there have been many problems with the Heritage Apartment complex, which is currently up for sale, and asked neighbors to keep their eyes open.
• Karen Alexanders’ venture, The MIC (Market Interactive Community), has opened in the building previously occupied by Urban Outfitters retailer on Granby Street. This space houses a variety of merchandise, including antiques, art, boutique clothing, accessories, skincare items, fresh local honey, soup, pickles, seasonings, dessert jars, fresh cut flowers and decor.
The next Board Meeting is October 18, 2023 at 7 PM at Freemason Harbour Condominiums. The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7PM on September 20, 2023 at the Blocker YMCA or the Pagoda.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Penny Powers, Secretary
Item description
September 20, 2023
Blocker Family YMCA
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh at 7:02 PM.
Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Penny Powers (Secretary), Greta Gustavson, Bruce Robertson, Gerry Roth, Steve Sigmon, Tyler Sherwin, Madeline Sly and Sarah Whiting.
New Residents: Mr. Kavanaugh opened the meeting with the introduction of our new neighbors.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes are available on the website:
Police Report:
Community Resource Officer Alan Driskell reviewed the crime statistics for August. There have been 12 car larcenies and 4 stolen autos with increased motorcycle thefts from the parking garages. In one instance, a car chase of a van resulted in the recovery of 3 stolen motorcycles. Total crime is down 20% for downtown.
Mr. Driskell addressed recent disturbances around the Pagoda and noted that the official records only reflect one call for service; he encouraged neighbors to call in any concerns so that the records will accurately reflect activity. Neighbors can email Mr. Driskell directly or Mr. Kavanaugh is able to text him with concerns.
Regarding marijuana usage at the Pagoda, he notes that personal use has been decriminalized; it is legal for a person to have less than ½ an ounce in their possession. While it is illegal for people to smoke marijuana in public the police do not have “probable cause” to stop and search suspected vehicles or persons.
Mr. Driskell was made aware of a male sleeping at the Pagoda and he notes that there is no trespassing after in the park after dark; neighbors are encouraged to report these instances to the police department.
Sean Washington, Interim Director of Economic Development, City of Norfolk, provided the following updates:
The influx of cruise ships, conventions and hotel bookings are bringing many visitors to Norfolk. The office market in Norfolk has a 20% vacancy rate which is much better than the national average of 40%. Additionally, new office/residential housing is being built and rented.
The Downtown Norfolk Council (DNC) is working on a long-term strategic plan to for the Neon District, including the old Greyhound Bus Terminal. They are evaluating potential zoning amendments that would allow a mixture of retail, commercial and innovative or light manufacturing.
MacArthur Mall: The City purchased the Dillard’s building, which gives them control over the entire mall (935,000 square feet) and any redevelopment projects. They are meeting with consultants to consider partial versus total rehabilitation to create mixed use of the space. There is consideration of creating a convention center as the city does not have its own convention space.
The Family Dollar that burned down in the Church Street Shopping Center fire will be re-built. There are also discussions about bringing a grocery store to the area where the Save-A-Lot was located.
Sarah Linden-Brooks, Sail Nauticus Director, spoke about their 10th year of providing programs for Norfolk middle school students. They partner with the Blocker YMCA for swimming lessons and run flagship sailing programs after school, giving all Norfolk students access to the water.
Dylan Guill, Sail Nauticus operations manager, runs the adult side and stresses that Sail Nauticus also exists as a resource for adults. The after-school programs are funded by adult memberships, which are available for $445/year and give members access to sailboats year-round. Sailfest, their major fund raiser, is scheduled for this weekend but they are watching the weather and changing plans accordingly.
Steve Briggs, Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race, announced that the 34th annual race will include 20 schooners and will leave Baltimore on October 5 and begin arriving in the Pagoda Basin on October 6th. The weekend will include several events and Mr. Briggs invited all neighbors who are interested in volunteering to sign up to help with docking, party set up, etc. Additionally, he encouraged neighbors to visit the schooners while they are in port. Mr. Briggs directed attention to their website for more information about the organization, it's mission and its grant program. All race proceeds go to fund nonprofit programs.
Angelia Williams Graves, (D) candidate for State Senate. Ms. Graves has been the 90th District representative for 3 years; prior to that she spent 10 years serving on the City Council. She is a Norfolk native, a TCC and ODU graduate and worked for the City of Norfolk for many years. She notes that she is the Democratic candidate but that she will provide non-partisan representation for the entire city. Her platform focus is bodily autonomy; fully funded public schools; gun safety and programs to resolve differences without violence; an economy that works for all; and climate crisis.
Bonita Anthony, (D) candidate for the new 92nd House of Delegates District seat. Ms. Anthony is a Norfolk native, an ODU graduate and former employee, and a current Virginia State University employee. She is a former engineer who has taught at all grade levels and has worked in aviation infrastructure, the shipbuilding industry and she has been a minister for > 25 years. Her platform focus is public education; women’s right to choose; and economic vitality.
Michael Durig (R) candidate for new 92nd House of Delegates District seat. Mr. Durig has lived in this area since 1996 when he came here with the Navy. He is a musician with a background in the entertainment and theme park industries. He served as a Navy bandsman for 8 years, worked as an airport screener and run his own entertainment business. He has taught orchestra at Virginia Beach Schools and music in Portsmouth and Hampton. Mr. Durig believes his job as a musician and an educator is to create human beings. He believes that the school districts need to be changed and that they must have local oversight. He describes himself as new to politics but believes that we need to look at each other to see a person’s capabilities.
Early voting starts Friday, September 22 at City Hall. If you want to vote by mail and have not requested an absentee ballot, you may do so by calling 664 4353 or
Presidents Report:
Jack Kavanaugh reported that we have 81 paid individual members and that the account balance is ~$1800.
Beautification Committee: Steve Sigmon announced that the next neighborhood clean-up has moved to an every-other month schedule. The November clean-up will be scheduled to coincide with the hanging of the holiday bows (details to follow). He thanked all the neighbors who pick up trash on their walks and noted that this is the most important thing that residents can do.
The next Board Meeting will be held at 7 PM on October 18 at Freemason Harbour Condominiums.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7 PM on November 15 at the Blocker YMCA
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Penny Powers, Secretary
October 18, 2023
Freemason Harbour Condominium
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh at 7:01 PM.
Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Michael McCartney (Vice President), Shirley Ward (Treasurer), Penny Powers (Secretary), Shannon Allen, Jennifer Cordovana, Greta Gustavson, Malia McGee, Bruce Robertson, Gerry Roth, Tyler Sherwin, Steve Sigmon, Sarah Whiting, and Robert Wojtowicz.
A quorum was established at this meeting.
Mr. Kavanaugh began the meeting by having all board members introduce themselves, and new condominium representatives were welcomed. It was also noted that Ann Ripley will replace Paul Sayegh as the River Park representative.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the last meeting are available on the website:
Membership Report: Dues have been paid by 81 members, all 6 condominium associations and 4 businesses.
Treasurer’s Report: The balance in the account is $1798.33.
President’s Report: Mr. Kavanaugh solicited suggestions for speakers for the November general meeting; the following were discussed:
• J&A Racing to discuss upcoming races on November 18 and 19 that will affect Freemason
• Police resource officer with crime report
• Sean Washington, Interim Economic Development Director for the City of Norfolk
• Courtney Doyle to discuss legislative updates.
• Potential update on Historic District survey if the report has been finalized.
• Speaker from the City to discuss Code Enforcement
A speaker from Nauticus was suggested for this meeting but he was not available. A representative from NOAA was also suggested and it was agreed that this would be more appropriate closer to the time they are leaving.
Mr. Kavanaugh asked Greta Gustavson to report on a meeting that they, along with Al Roper and Lexi Jennings, had with Brad Waitzer to discuss his plans for 355 W. Freemason. Mr. Waitzer intends to have a single-family French Provencal style home built with buff colored brick. A 3 bay garage will be connected to the house by a breezeway and the driveway will open onto Freemason Street. The pond and wall at the back of the property will be left intact. Clay Dills, who did the plans for the Desai home, is the architect for this project. Ground breaking is at least 6 months away as the site review as well as presentation to the Architectural Review Board needs to occur.
Committee Reports:
Newsletter: Gerry Roth requested that newsletter articles be submitted by November 1. The board discussed the issue of digital vs. printed issues. Printed newsletters cost ~$474 per issue, but they result in more turnout for events and must be done prior to elections and picnics. Upcoming events are also announced on Facebook, Nextdoor and the FSAA website.
Historic Oversight Committee: Gerry Roth announced that solar panels for 261 W. Freemason and new signage for the engineering firm on Bute were both approved by ARB. Judge Martin is seeking approval to replace asphalt in front of his building with pavers.
Beautification Committee: Steve Sigmon confirmed that the next neighborhood “clean-up” day will be held on November 18 at 9:00 primarily for hanging the holiday bows and with ancillary trash pickup if there are enough volunteers. Volunteers should meet on the corner of College Place and Yarmouth.
Mr. Sigmon also informed the group that the $2500 matching grant from the city is actually available three times a year as long as it is a different project for each application. A grant application to secure benches for Freemason Green was discussed; various styles, costs and opportunities to raise the matching funds were also discussed. Mr. Kavanaugh noted that since Freemason Green is a city park the city should be approached to place benches there as they have in other parks. Mr. Kavanaugh will speak with the Parks and Recreation department about this possibility. If the City provides the benches, FSAA could apply for a grant to purchase planters near the benches.
Board Member Discussion items:
• Jennifer Cordovana and Mike McCartney noted that there are code violations consistently at some properties and asked how we can get the City to be more involved with enforcement. Mr. Kavanaugh asked that people send him specific issues along with the address so he can compile a list to take to the City.
o There is rotting wood and overgrown weeds on several buildings on Bute Street.
o Of note, the corner of 333 W. Freemason is much improved after discussions with the owner, but there are still “trees” growing on the roof. Mr. Sigmon will feature these recent improvements in a newsletter article.
o The lift being used for a project at 324 W. Freemason is damaging the sidewalk and causing traffic issues at times. Additionally, another tree was removed without prior approval.
o The Belmont at Freemason apartments’ dumpster is often overflowing and it is not taken in promptly.
o Non functioning street lights should be reported to Norfolk Cares.
• Malia McGee reports that Brian Beachum, who previously managed the Freemason website, has not responded to requests that information be transferred to her for the new website. Additionally, she has agreed to write an article highlighting the availability of online FSAA membership for the next newsletter.
• Gerry Roth reported that the Holiday Decorations will be judged on 12/17 at 1:00 PM. She requested money to purchase new award ribbons in an amount that will cover approximately 8 years of judging. Ms. Roth moved that the board approve $150; motion was seconded by Mr. Kavanaugh and approved by all.
• Ms. Roth also discussed the FSAA Neighborhood Social to be held on December 17, at Freemason Green. She requested money to cover the cost of cocoa/cider and cookies. Ms. Roth moved that the board approve $100; motion was seconded by Mr. Kavanaugh and approved by all. Mr. Kavanaugh and Mr. Sigmon will enquire if a permit is required.
• Penny Powers noted that additional help is needed on the “set up” group for events held at the Pagoda.
• Shirley Ward will be away till the first of the year but she will leave checks with Mr. Kavanaugh.
• Greta Gustavson complimented the beautiful handmade columns on the 413 York Street brownstone.
• Bruce Robertson announced that the ARB has approved the bollards for the Bute Street Bulkhead project. He noted that the Army Corp of Engineers has initiated an historical review which may slow the project down. They have not yet submitted the piling drawings to the contractor, so the cost is unknown. The hole is continuing to grow and Mr. Sigmon will send a recent picture to Tammy Halsted at the City.
The next Board Meeting will be held at 7 PM on December 20 at Freemason Harbour Condominiums.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7PM on November 15 at the Blocker YMCA
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Powers, Secretary
November 15, 2023
Blocker Family YMCA
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh at 7:04 PM.
Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Michael McCartney (Vice President), Penny Powers (Secretary), Greta Gustavson, Donna Jatho, Ann Ripley, Gerry Roth, Steve Sigmon, Sarah Whiting, and Pat Williams
New Residents: Mr. Kavanaugh opened the meeting with the introduction of our new neighbors.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes are available on the website:
Membership Report: To date we have 81 individual members, all 6 condo associations, and 4 businesses.
Treasurer’s Report: The balance in the account is ~$2600.
Police Report:
Police Resource Officer Alan Driskell reminded residents that the upcoming weekend will be a busy one in Freemason and downtown. He reports that 150 Norfolk police officers have been detailed to cover the races, the parade and to manage traffic issues. Parking is much more restricted this year, covering Saturday at 2 AM though Sunday at 1 PM, but he does not anticipate ticketing to occur on Saturday afternoon and evening.
Officer Driskell noted that crime is down in our area with reduced car larcenies. He attributes this to the extra officers and cameras in the garages. Additionally, no violent crime has been reported in the last few weeks.
• He was asked about extra patrols at the Pagoda but responded that there haven’t been any since there was only one report of disturbance in the last 60 days.
• Officer Driskell was asked how to handle serious parking issues on the weekend and he responded that these should be reported by calling 911.
• Officer Driskell was asked if there have been any “grab and go” crimes in our area and he responded that the only instances he is aware of is at the ABC stores where this is not uncommon.
Jerry Frostick, J&A Racing, announced the 10th annual running of the Norfolk Harbour 5K and Half Marathon will take place on November 11 and 12. The routes will be the same as prior years with ~2000 runners expected. Funds raised by these races supports J&A’s outreach to local schools where they provide shoes and support to local children who might otherwise not be able to participate in races. This is in addition to granting wishes for medical hardship cases.
Mr. Frostick thanked the Freemason neighborhood for supporting this race and acknowledged the race day inconvenience to residents. He outlined the times and areas where access will be most restricted and noted that he will be accessible during the race for any issues that arise. Additionally, he committed to removing race signage by the following Monday.
Committee Reports:
Beautification Committee:
Steve Sigmon announced that the next neighborhood “clean-up” day will be held on Saturday, 11/18 to hang the holiday bows with ancillary clean up if there are enough volunteers. Neighbors can meet in Freemason Green at the corner of College Place and Yarmouth at 9:30 AM; help is needed with prepping the bows as well as the actual hanging. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided.
Mr. Sigmon informed neighbors that the $2500 neighborhood grants, which FSAA has previously been awarded, are actually available three times a year as long as they are for different projects. The grants are matched by neighborhood money or community hours. He is soliciting ideas for future projects.
Historic Oversight Committee:
Gerry Roth announced that the Holiday Decoration judging will take place on Sunday, December 17 at 1 PM. The categories are single family homes, condominiums and businesses.
FSAA will host a Neighborhood Holiday Mingle later that same afternoon, from 5 to 7 PM, so that neighbors may get together and view the decorations. Hot beverages and cookies will be provided and all are invited. Please let Ms. Roth know if you plan to attend for planning purposes.
The following were noted during general discussion:
• The trees that were removed on Tazewell will be replaced.
• The Little Library that ordinarily resides in front of the Pagoda is undergoing rehabilitation by the Maury High School carpentry program. Neighbors are reminded that an additional Little Library is available at 420 W. Bute Street.
The next Board Meeting will be held at 7 PM on December 20 at Freemason Harbour Condominiums.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7 PM on January 17 at the Blocker YMCA
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 PM.
December 20, 2023
Freemason Harbour Condominium
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by Jack Kavanaugh at 7:05 PM.
Board members present were: Jack Kavanaugh (President), Michael McCartney (Vice President), Penny Powers (Secretary), Jennifer Cordovana, Greta Gustavson, Ann Ripley, Bruce Robertson, Gerry Roth, Tyler Sherwin, Madeline Sly, and Sarah Whiting. A quorum was established at this meeting.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the last meeting are available on the website:
Membership Report: Dues for 2024 have been paid by 17 members.
President’s Report: Mr. Kavanaugh observed that the FSAA Holiday Mingle which was held on December 16 was a great success. Freemason Green was the planned venue but when the weather forecast worsened, Freemason Harbour graciously allowed the event to take place in their meeting room. Initially 60 RSVPs were received and ultimately 28 people attended. FSAA supplied cookies and cider and neighbors also contributed additional items to eat and drink.
Mr. Kavanaugh announced that the holiday bows will be taken down on January 6.
Mr. Kavanaugh solicited suggestions for speakers for the January General meeting; the following were discussed by the board:
• Susan McBride, Principal Planner for the City of Norfolk, to present the results of the Norfolk Historic Resource Survey (SurveyNFK) which re-surveyed the historic buildings in the Freemason neighborhood.
• Stephen Kirkland, Director of Nauticus, to give an update on Winterfest and the Half Moone Cruise terminal.
• Sean Washington, Director of Development, City of Norfolk, to give an update on the casino and other economic news.
• Courtney Doyle and a representative from the Virginia Arts Festival were suggested for March.
Mr. Kavanaugh announced that the Gold Star Mothers are planning to place a statue at the north end of Wisconsin Square. This was approved 6 years ago and he will present more details when they are available.
Committee Reports:
Gerry Roth announced that articles for the next newsletter are due by January 6. The January issue will be published on-line and the March issue will be printed. We will need to either print the May newsletter early or print a separate flyer for the Memorial Day event.
Madeline Sly noted that the relatively new and expensive sign board for the Pagoda Oriental Garden has recently suffered damage. While vandalism was initially suspected, the culprit was found to be a squirrel.
Ms. Sly confirmed that the FSAA will host Memorial and Labor Day picnics at the Pagoda. It was noted that some changes will need to be made to the organization and pricing for these events.
Chocollage is not currently open but hopefully will be in the future.
Historic Oversight Committee:
Gerry Roth announced the winners of the Freemason Holiday Decoration judging:
• Condos: Pilot House; Freemason Harbour
• Commercial: 411 Botetourt; 309 W. Bute Street; Virginia Cheese Company; Crystal Sunflower
• Residential (Old): 308 W. Freemason; 420 W. Bute; 346 W. Freemason; 317 W. Freemason
• Residential (New): 334 W. Freemason; 308 Botetourt; 310 Botetourt; 340 College Place
Board Member Discussion items:
• Greta Gustavson informed the board that there have been issues with the lighting of historic buildings in Ghent. Some residents did their own lighting which resulted in lighting the entire front, side and read of their residence, in addition to using many different types (up-lights, mushroom, etc.), all of which were unacceptable to neighbors. The owners sought approval from the Architectural Review Board (ARB) after installation. After viewing the buildings, the ARB approved with the stipulation to reduce the lighting but did not give specific guidelines or limits on operational hours. ARB is now consulting with lighting experts to get advice on optimal lighting for residential areas and will then formulate new guidelines.
• Gerry Roth noted that many street lights are out in Freemason. Mr. Kavanaugh asked that all board members send him a list of the light that are out (or flickering) and he will contact the city to have them repaired. Dominion Energy has a project to eventually convert all streetlights to LED lights.
• Susan McBride has notified residents that photographers would be out documenting all buildings.
• Pile driving for the Portsmouth Port Authority Project has been turned over to a new operator and they have been given approval for extended work hours to complete the job.
• Bruce Robertson has requested another update from the city on the Bute Street Bulkhead project.
• Penny Powers said that she would send out 2024 meeting dates for comments.
• Jamestown Condominiums will join FSAA.
• Madeline Sly reported that Steven Kirkland asked her about the neighborhood’s response to Winterfest and she suggested that we send a letter; as there is a mixed response to the event, we won’t send a letter.
• Mike McCartney notes that his car was hit again on Bute Street. Along with illegal parking, the school buses for the Williams School are adding to congestion on that street. Tyler Sherwin will speak to his contact at the William School about the school bus issue.
The next Board Meeting will be held at 7 PM on February 21 at Freemason Harbour Condominiums.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held at 7 PM on January 17 at the Blocker YMCA.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Powers, Secretary